News from Us

October 4, 2019

A quick jump on board!

When the pump is attached, the operator climbs on board. 30 minutes to clean one SmartUnit and pump 6 tons of mussel seeds! Have a coffee as you go! Thanks Julian de Leeuw for letting us film this!
October 4, 2019

Switching SmartUnits at harvest!

Skilled operators on board of Janne switch SmartUnits during harvest. Quick and easy with Smart Farm solutions! Time is money! Thanks Julian de Leeuw for letting us film this!
October 2, 2019

Harvesting in Germany!

Look at the speed with which the harvesting machine is bringing the mussels out of the water, and how relaxed the staff is at such high production rate!Our harvesting machine can harvest up to 30 tons an hour with only 2 people working. This is what makes a difference on your bottom line! The guy in the background is actually standing on the harvesting machine. If you have ever seen traditional harvesting of mussels: this video is mind blowing! Thanks Julian de Leeuw for this insightful visit!
September 26, 2019

A Visit to Blåbiomasse!

Just when we arrive Blåbiomasse they are coming in with the harvest from our SmartUnits at sea! 1.4 tons mussels in each bag!
September 12, 2019

Smart Farm in Action! Smart Farm in action! At the end of this article (in Danish) there is a video that shows our collectors in action and the biomass on them. Hedeselskapet is expecting to harvest 6000-8000 tons per year from our systems!
September 9, 2019

Safe back Home!

Our Assembly Container is safe back home after a week’s work in the North of Norway. This container has been with us since 2001 and has travelled the world. We feel warmly for it! The container is used to assemble our collectors, at the closest land site to the mussel farm’s location. They are then towed to site and anchored there.
September 3, 2019

An old friend of us is visiting!

H8-1287 is in for maintenance and the reunion is dear. ❤ It is working just fine and is ready to harvest 30+ ton mussels an hour!
August 28, 2019

We can finally say yes to your longstanding request!

Photo: charlotte-coneybeer-p4-LAfM9yAg-unsplash