News from Us

August 22, 2019

Will the The AquaVitae Project gives us the answers we need?

Of course mussels are key in this and we look forward to the findings of this project! We would love to see results on mussels as mitigation culture for fishfarms, (Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA), mussels as potential bio-filters and not the least, results on cost effective separation of mussel protein and shell for processing into fishfeed! We are ready with our state of the art technology to farm mussels, for any purpose. The smart way. The AquaVitae Project is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project with the overall objective of AquaVitae is to increase aquaculture production in and around the […]
August 21, 2019

Thank you for wanting to see us @Aqua-Nor!

Thank you for all the enquieries wanting to see us Aqua-Nor! We are sorry we couldn’t make it this year! We have a lot in the making. We look forward to meet up in a near future! Enjoy Mussels at Aqua-Nor and think about the Smart way to Farm them! #mussels #proteins #farming #aqua-nor #aquaculture #oysters
August 14, 2019

Larvae or Mussels for dinner?

Among all future foods (and the future is now!), we believe that mussels is the most appealing one. What would you choose for dinner in the future? Having asked that, I just want you to know that the photo shows an agave worm taco in a blue tortilla from Mexico, and it IS delicious!
August 14, 2019

Tired of Algae Blooms?

Tired of swimming in algae blooming ? This is caused by eutrophication- when an excess of Nitrogen & Phosphorous from human activity is loaded into seas and lakes. The good news is that mussels love N and P!! So farming mussels is a viable solution and it is called Nutrient Recycling! Check out Bonus Optimus and the work they do to make this happen! We are proud to be providing solutions to be tested and scrutinized under this project.
August 14, 2019

Novel sustainable sources of omega-3 oils

We couldn’t agree more! The article talks about getting Omega3 from algae. Mussels is another sustainable way to substitute fishoil in fishfeed. Nigel Edwards, Corporate Social Responsibility Director at fish supplier Seachill, said: “The salmon industry has grown rapidly over the last 30 years, with huge steps forward in feed efficiency and farming technology. But to grow further the industry needs novel sustainable sources of omega-3 oils, which are essential to both fish and human health.”
August 12, 2019

Mussel Farming and the UN Sustainability Goals

Per Dolmer and Maren M. Lyngsgaard at Orbicon have analyzed Mussel Farming for nutrient-mitigation in terms of the UN Sustainment Goals. Have a look at which goals we contribute too and how much!
June 20, 2019

Europeans consume 1,01 kg mussels per capita per year!

In 2016, the average EU citizen consumed 24,33 kg of fisheries and aquaculture products, 763 grams more than in 2015. More than half of total per capita apparent consumption of farmed products is represented by salmon (2,08 kg) and mussels (1,01 kg), both stable compared with 2015.
April 12, 2019

Did you know that mussels are great filtrators?

Did you know that mussels are great filtrators? When cultivating mussels to eliminate Nitrogen and Phosphorus from polluted waters you want to take all mussels out of the water. With our harvesting machine you can harvest 30 ton mussels an hour!