News from Us

September 26, 2019

A Visit to Blåbiomasse!

Just when we arrive Blåbiomasse they are coming in with the harvest from our SmartUnits at sea! 1.4 tons mussels in each bag!
September 12, 2019

Smart Farm in Action! Smart Farm in action! At the end of this article (in Danish) there is a video that shows our collectors in action and the biomass on them. Hedeselskapet is expecting to harvest 6000-8000 tons per year from our systems!
September 9, 2019

Safe back Home!

Our Assembly Container is safe back home after a week’s work in the North of Norway. This container has been with us since 2001 and has travelled the world. We feel warmly for it! The container is used to assemble our collectors, at the closest land site to the mussel farm’s location. They are then towed to site and anchored there.
September 3, 2019

An old friend of us is visiting!

H8-1287 is in for maintenance and the reunion is dear. ❤ It is working just fine and is ready to harvest 30+ ton mussels an hour!
August 28, 2019

We can finally say yes to your longstanding request!

Photo: charlotte-coneybeer-p4-LAfM9yAg-unsplash
August 22, 2019

Will the The AquaVitae Project gives us the answers we need?

Of course mussels are key in this and we look forward to the findings of this project! We would love to see results on mussels as mitigation culture for fishfarms, (Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA), mussels as potential bio-filters and not the least, results on cost effective separation of mussel protein and shell for processing into fishfeed! We are ready with our state of the art technology to farm mussels, for any purpose. The smart way. The AquaVitae Project is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project with the overall objective of AquaVitae is to increase aquaculture production in and around the […]
August 21, 2019

Thank you for wanting to see us @Aqua-Nor!

Thank you for all the enquieries wanting to see us Aqua-Nor! We are sorry we couldn’t make it this year! We have a lot in the making. We look forward to meet up in a near future! Enjoy Mussels at Aqua-Nor and think about the Smart way to Farm them! #mussels #proteins #farming #aqua-nor #aquaculture #oysters
August 14, 2019

Larvae or Mussels for dinner?

Among all future foods (and the future is now!), we believe that mussels is the most appealing one. What would you choose for dinner in the future? Having asked that, I just want you to know that the photo shows an agave worm taco in a blue tortilla from Mexico, and it IS delicious!