Our Story

On a small island called Aspøy - outside Stavanger in Norway - started our adventure. Now we are operating all over the world.

In the very beginning...

Bjørn Aspøy

Bjørn Aspøy has vast experience in aquaculture and fish farming of salmon and trout. Since 1999 he has been developing innovative solutions for farming and harvesting of bi-valves, from mussels to oysters.

Bjørn is currently the co-founder and COO of SmartFarm AS and together with Alise the architect behind its designs.

Foto: Hans B. Henriksen

Alise Aspøy

Alise Aspøy is a Technical Engineer and spent her first years working in the oil industry as a project manager for piping and steel constructions. In 1999 she joined her husband to design innovative solutions for farming and harvesting of bi-valves.

Alise is currently the co-founder and CEO of SmartFarm AS and together with Bjørn the architect behind its designs.

Photo Knut S. Vindfallet

Making history with new developments...

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